Community Resources
Category | Agency | Phone # | Website | Address | City | Zip | Description | Ages Served | Medicaid | Date Verified |
Directory | 2-1-1 United Way | 211 | n/a | n/a | n/a | Directory of services across NC organized by United Way | All | n/a | 7/18/2023 | |
Disability | Association for Learning Disabled & Handicapped | (252) 972-9896 | 3027 Sunset Avenue, Suite 2 | Rocky Mount | 27804 | The ALDH strives to improve the quality of education and life for the developmentally disabled children, adults and families. | All | n/a | 7/18/2023 | |
Directory | NC Family and Youth Organizations/Agencies Resource Directory | | Directory of NC resources for families | All | n/a | 7/18/2023 | ||||
Community | Boy Scouts of America, East Carolina Council | (252) 522-1521 | 313 Boy Scout Blvd | Kinston | 28503 | Boy Scouts of America provides value-based youth development services, helping build future leaders by combining fun with educational activities and lifelong values. | 5-18 | n/a | 7/18/2023 | |
Community | Boys & Girls Clubs of Nash and Edgecombe | (252) 977-9924 | P.O. Box 1622 | Rocky Mount | 27802 | Dedicated to promoting social, educational, vocational and cultural character and leadership development of youth. The organization helps young people improve their lives by building self-esteem and developing values and skills during critical periods of growth. | 5-18 | n/a | 7/18/2023 | |
Library | Braswell Memorial Library | (252) 442-1951 | 727 N Grace Street | Rocky Mount | 27804 | Library, wifi available | All | n/a | 7/18/2023 | |
Social Services | Child Protective Services - Edgecombe County DSS | (252) 641-7668 | 301 S Fairview Rd | Rocky Mount | 27801 | Child protective services line for reported suspected abuse and neglect | <18 | n/a | 7/18/2023 | |
Social Services | Child Protective Services - Nash County DSS | (252) 459-1293 | 120 W Washington St | Nashville | 27856 | Child protective services line for reported suspected abuse and neglect | <18 | n/a | 7/18/2023 | |
Recreation | City of Rocky Mount Parks and Recreation | (252) 972-1151 | 331 S Franklin Street | Rocky Mount | 27804 | Parks, recreational sports, picnic area, etc. | All | n/a | 7/18/2023 | |
Student Support | Communities In Schools | (252) 442-9991 | 201 S Pearl Street | Rocky Mount | 27804 | School-site services include academic instruction and remediation, agency involvement and an active tutor/mentor program provided by the business community. | 5-18 | n/a | 7/18/2023 | |
Disability | Disability Rights NC | (877) 235-4210 | 3724 National Drive, Suite 100 | Raleigh | 27612 | Disability Rights North Carolina advocates for the rights of people with disabilities throughout North Carolina. We handle cases involving discrimination, abuse and other rights violations. Our attorneys, advocates and other staff provide, and support the provision of, free legal advocacy services to North Carolinians with disabilities. | All | n/a | 6/16/2022 | |
Early Childhood | Down East Partnership for Children | 252-985-4300 | 215 Lexington Street | Rocky Mount | 27801 | DEPC works in collaboration with parents, child care providers, teachers, other human services agencies and organizations, businesses, government and religious leaders to build a community where every child is successfully launches as a lifelong learner by age 8. Coordinates parenting support programs, childcare referrals, and pre-K support | <9 | n/a | 7/18/2023 | |
Legal | DPS - Juvenile Justice District 7 | (252) 977-1795 | | 305 Cokey Road | Rocky Mount | 27802 | Edgecombe and Nash juvenile court services | <18 | n/a | 7/18/2023 |
Social Services | Edgecombe County DSS (Rocky Mount Office) | (252) 985-4101 | 301 S Fairview Rd | Rocky Mount | 27801 | CPS, Foster care, adoption, medicaid transportation support, Food Stamps, Work First, child support, medicaid | <18 | n/a | 7/18/2023 | |
Social Services | Emergency Foster Care | (252) 641-6670 | 301 S Fairview Road | Rocky Mount | 27801 | This program serves as a residential placement for children who are not successful in their own home. The Emergency Foster Care Program provides foster care to children on an emergency 24-hour basis. The program serves adolescents between the ages of 10-17 who are referred to the program by the Juvenile Court Counselors or a Department of Social Services Social Worker. The average length of stay is 60-90 days. | 10-17 | n/a | 7/18/2023 | |
Disability | Exceptional Children's Assistance Center (ECAC) | (919) 571-8092 | 3803 Computer Dr | Raleigh | 27609 | ECAC offers parents of children with special needs individual assistance with educational concerns and parent education workshops. | <18 | n/a | 7/18/2023 | |
Group Home | Free Will Baptist Children's Homes Inc. | 252-235-2161 | 7907 Buck Deans Road | Middlesex | 27557 | Free Will Baptist Children's Homes offers residential child care for abused, neglected and abandoned children who are wards of the state. Provides medical care, psychological care, education, tutoring, religious opportunities and recreation. | 13-18 | n/a | 7/18/2023 | |
Community | Girl Scouts, NC Coastal Pines | (919) 782-3021 | 6901 Pinecrest Road | Raleigh | 27613 | Girl Scouts helps girls develop a sense of responsibility, committing themselves to the highest ideals, and fostering teamwork so they can learn to support one another. Girl Scouts builds girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place. | 5-17 | n/a | 7/18/2023 | |
Legal | Guardian Ad Litem Program | 252-291-1526 | 115 Nash St | Wilson | 27893 | A Guardian ad Litem (GAL) is a trained volunteer who is appointed by the court to advocate for the best interests of an abused or neglected child. In court, the GAL serves as an important voice for the child. Advocacy for abused or neglected children in the court system. | <18 | n/a | 7/18/2023 | |
Library | Harold D. Cooley Library | (252) 459-2106 | | 114 W Church St | Nashville | 27856 | Library, wifi available | All | n/a | 7/18/2023 |
Recreation | Harrison Family YMCA | (252) 972-9622 | 1000 Independence Drive | Rocky Mount | 27804 | The mission of the Harrison Family YMCA is to put Christian principles into practice to improve the quality of life in our communities with programs and services that strengthen the spirit, mind, and body. The Y has a Teen Center that is a great place for kids 11-18 to have fun with their friends. | All | n/a | 7/18/2023 | |
Legal | Impact Plus Program Boys & Girls Club of Nash and Edgecombe Counties | (252) 977-9924 | 301 S Church St # 290 | Rocky Mount | 27804 | Impact Plus Program is a juvenile restitution program that allows youth ages 8-18 to complete community service placed upon them by the juvenile court system. The Impact Plus Program pays the restitution on the youth's behalf in exchange for additional community service hours. This program allows each youth the ability to "pay back" what they owe their communities regardless of their financial situation. | 8-18 | n/a | 7/18/2023 | |
Directory | Juvenile Justice Service Directory | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | Directory of services across NC including all programs that receive funding and/or oversight from DPS. | <18 | n/a | 7/18/2023 | |
Legal | Legal Aid of NC | (252) 291-6851 | 208 Goldsboro St East | Wilson | 27893 | Legal Aid of North Carolina is a nonprofit law firm that provides free legal services in civil (non-criminal) matters to low-income people in order to ensure equal access to justice and to remove legal barriers to economic opportunity The Legal Aid Helpline offers help in the following areas: Housing Law (evictions, safe housing, housing discrimination, foreclosure); Consumer Law (contracts, debt collection, repossessions); Public Benefits (Medicare/Medicaid, food stamps, TNF/Work First, Social Security, Unemployment Benefits); Family Law (domestic violence); Other (education, powers of attorney/wills, expungements, Veterans benefits). | All | n/a | 7/18/2023 | |
Legal | Mediation Center of Eastern Carolina | (252) 985-3792 | | 3027 Sunset Ave STE C | Rocky Mount | 27804 | Anger management, community service/restitution, juvenile mediation, and parenting. | All | n/a | 7/18/2023 |
Library | Middlesex Public Library | (252) 419-0106 | n/a | 12480 W Hanes Ave | Middlesex | 27557 | Library, wifi available | All | n/a | 7/18/2023 |
Crisis Intervention | My Sister's House | (252) 459-3094 | 210 W. Church St. | Nashville | 27856 | Domestic Violence crisis response; DV shelter; court advocacy | All | yes | 7/18/2023 | |
Social Services | Nash County DSS | (252) 459-9818 | 120 W Washington St | Nashville | 27856 | CPS, Foster care, adoption, medicaid transportation support, Food Stamps, Work First, child support, medicaid | All | n/a | 7/18/2023 | |
Recreation | Nash County Parks & Recreation | (252) 462-2628 | 120 W Washington Street | Nashville | 27856 | Recreational youth sports, parks, outdoor recreation areas | All | n/a | 7/18/2023 | |
Disability | NC Assistive Technology Program | (252) 830-8575 | 1033 WH Smith Blvd | Greenville | 27834 | The NC Assistive Technology Program (NCATP) works with people of all ages and abilities, providing assessments, equipment demos, short-term device loans, training and referrals to funding sources. | All | n/a | 7/18/2023 | |
Directory | NC Care 360 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | SCHOOL SOCIAL WORKERS AND NURSES HAVE LOGINS TO THIS SITE. CONTACT THEM IF NEEDED. Directory of services across NC | All | n/a | 7/18/2023 | |
Disability | NC Complex MH/IDD Resources | 919-843-6083 | UNC School of SW | Chapel Hill | Website providing resorces across state | All | n/a | 7/18/2023 | ||
Disability | Quality Care Solutions, Inc. | (252) 977-2200 | 301 S. Church St., Suite 163 | Rocky Mount | 27804 | Day Support, Individual Support, Respite and Outpatient Therapy for 18+ IDD, MH and SA. | Adult | yes | 7/18/2023 | |
Legal | Resolve-It-Together | (252) 985-3792 | 3027 Sunset Ave STE C | Rocky Mount | 27804 | The Resolve It Together Program, developed by the Mediation Center of Eastern Carolina, is a family based conflict resolution program for at risk and court-referred youth and their guardians. Resolve It Together targets Edgecombe & Nash County youth ages 10-17 and their families referred by the Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention/Court Counselors, Department of Social Services, Guidance Counselors, Law Enforcement officers and parents. | 10-17 | 7/18/2023 | ||
Community | Rocky Mount Area Youth Council | (252) 972-1184 | 331 Franklin Street | Rocky Mount | 27804 | Students are provided open forum to discuss problems relating to youth. The Youth Council is a stated chartered organization and part of the Youth Legislative Assembly enabling the youth to recommend the adoption of bills, a great way for the youth to get involved and help represent the interest of youth in their schools, organizations and neighborhoods. | 13-18 | n/a | 7/18/2023 | |
Crisis Intervention | S.A.F.E. of Rocky Mount | (252) 366-3551 | n/a | 301 S. Church St., Suite 239 | Rocky Mount | 27804 | Training, information and support for human trafficking concerns in the area. | All | n/a | 7/18/2023 |
Disability | ServiceSource | (910) 401-5495 | 600 Ames St. | Fayetteville | 28301 | The Benefits Counseling program at ServiceSource provide education, support and counseling about how Social Security and other public benefits can be affected one an individual with disabilities start working. The program also seeks to provide education related and resources about financial education to promote economic self-sufficiency. | All | n/a | 7/18/2023 | |
Recreation | South Rocky Mount Community Center | (252) 972-1169 | | 517 Ravenwood Drive | Rocky Mount | 27801 | The center features a full length basketball court, a computer lab with internet access, as well as latest Microsoft applications. The facility also has two banquet rooms that can be rented for special events like family reunions and receptions. Community members can enjoy a game of chess or ping pong inside the game room or have fun outside on the playground in spray park. There are also after school programs, summer camp programs, and counseling programs. | All | n/a | 7/18/2023 |
Recreation | Spaulding Family Resource Center | (252) 478-7656 | n/a | 600 S Pine Street | Spring Hope | 27882 | Spaulding Family Resource Center emphasizes programs for very young children and their families. Parents can receive advice about developmental activities to participate with their children, as well as interactive playground that help with learning and development. Family nights offer families a chance to participate in games, crafts, and other activities. The Center offers emergency supplies of food, clothing, computer labs, and lending libraries. | All | n/a | 7/18/2023 |
Library | Spring Hope Public Library | (252) 478-3377 | n/a | 101 S. Ash Street | Spring Hope | 27882 | Library, wifi available | All | n/a | 7/18/2023 |
Disability | Stalls Medical | (252) 758-8892 | 3604 Marine Dr | Greenville | 27834 | Stalls Medical, Inc. specializes in custom power and manual rehab wheelchairs, home modifications, other home equipment and adaptive vans and vehicle modifications. | All | n/a | 7/18/2023 | |
Legal | Teen Court Mediation Center of Eastern NC | (252) 985-3792 | 3027 Sunset Ave STE C | Rocky Mount | 27804 | Teen Court is a dispositional alternative which provides youth with accountability for their actions, helps decrease delinquent and inappropriate behaviors, and offers prosocial peer interactions. Teen Court targets Edgecombe & Nash County youth, ages 11-17, who have committed a first tie minor misdemeanor offense and admitted guilt. | All | n/a | 7/18/2023 | |
Disability | The Arc of NC | (800) 662-8706 | 353 E. Six Forks Rd | Raleigh | 27609 | The ARC provides lifelong advocacy and support for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their family members. The ARC of NC is committed to securing for all people with intellectual and developmental disabilities the opportunity to choose and realize their goals of where and how they learn, live, work and play. | All | n/a | 7/18/2023 | |
Legal | Transition Re-Entry Program Methodist Home for Children | (919) 833-2834 | 1041 Washington St | Raleigh | 27605-1259 | This program provides jobs for juveniles from Nash & Edgecombe that are re-entering the community after being at the Youth Development Center. The program provides a learning experience that prepares juveniles for a job through coaching and attainment of educational opportunities that lead to a certificate of a trade from the community college. | 14-17 | 7/18/2023 | ||
Disability | UNC TEACCH Autism Program | (252) 830-3300 | | 108-D West Fire Tower Rd. | Winterville | 28590 | Creates and disseminates community based services, training programs, and research to enhance the quality of life for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their families across the lifespan. Offers parent support and clinical services for individuals with ASD across the lifespan. Clinical services are designed to promote positive behavior, communication, social skills, development and coping skills. | All | yes | 7/18/2023 |
Disability | Vocational Rehabilitation | (252) 316-4400 | Station Square, Suite 100 | Rocky Mount | 27804 | Administers and delivers programs to assist individuals with disabilities with transition from school to work or post-secondary education. Helps students discover and reach their vocational goals. These services are provided to students with physical, psychiatric or intellectual disabilities and to individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing or have other communicative disorders. | 14 and up | n/a | 7/18/2023 | |
Community | Williford Family Resource Center | (252) 462-2851 | n/a | 801 Williford Street | Rocky Mount | 27803 | The Williford Family Resource Center offers supplemental programs for students and their families, assisting parents in helping their children achieve their goals. The Center's mission is to ensure young children successfully learn, stay in school, and prepare for life. | All | n/a | 7/18/2023 |